Maureen Merrill

Professional Coach

Finding Your Voice

Presented by Sandra Ish & Maureen Merrill
A fun, enriching event!
Saturday, September 7, 2024 10:00am - 2:30pm
Luther Burbank Center Meeting Room

Confidence and Self-Expression for Women

Build confident ease in speaking (and speaking up!), expanding your voice, body language and powers of presence in daily communications and special situations.
Explore "difficult conversations" skills, with gentle coaching and feedback. Practice a kind "no," and create "yes" responses that affirm your intentions. Re-discover your strongest inner leadership skills.

Enjoy your natural gifts of connection, presence, and self-expression!

It’s my passion to coach with people who are committed to creating lives of balance, fulfillment, and potential.

About Maureen

Personal and professional confidence, along with life balance and fulfilment, is essential to the work that my clients and I do together.  We  focus on clarifying life choices and perspectives that take us to the future you envision, placing personal values and individual strengths upfront.  Often, we identify and design the next steps – for this week or for life.

I’ve benefited from having a coach over the years, and still do. With an academic grounding in psychology and a lifetime in business and community leadership, I came to professional coaching gradually, as a natural expression of my commitments.  

My Professional Journey

Education & Development

Business & Community

Life, Transitions, and Leadership Coaching

My job is to help you identify your goals, create your plans, and stay motivated as you work towards achieving them.  We work in partnership, with flexibility, perspective and creativity, and I support you as you create and pursue your dreams and plans. 

Design your own destiny

Navigating Life: Changes in Life, Work, Passions and Purpose

Stepping into a new leadership role? Trying to choose between career opportunities? Navigating clashes of dreams, needs, and wants? Shifts in a living situation?

These challenges offer opportunities. They deserve your time and attention. In coaching, you forge a present and future that is rooted in what you value as most important.  Coaching can bring clarity to your visions for a fulfilling life. 

Coaching Can Help You With:

Find Confidence With Your Professional & Personal Life

Find clarity by identifying what’s important to you

Make your best decisions based on your values

Create a fulfilling career and life path.

Express yourself. Find the words and the confidence to say what's on your mind and in your heart


We know it happens!  One aspect of a happy life is looking ahead with optimism, through a lens of confidence and preparation.

I believe everyone...

is creative, resourceful, and ready to keep growing in their own ways at their best pace.

gets stuck now and then, and  “saboteurs” that we can learn to deal with

performs better with a coach whose job it is to listen, challenge, and support our chosen commitments

can live an even more fulfilling, pleasing, and contributing life. 

Mid-life Fulfilment

Reaching the age of 30 . . . or 60 or 42 or 76 . . . can be fraught with excitement and trepidation.  Mid-life, and then senior status, seems to arrive sooner than expected!

We often these milestones with more surprise than preparation. But life changes are opportunities.  I believe that we can thrive and contribute, at any age.  Coaching helps.




Contact Maureen

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